Friday, March 20, 2020

Description paper plaza de mayor in madrid spain essays

Description paper plaza de mayor in madrid spain essays I was wondering down the narrow maze of cobblestone streets in the beautiful city of Madrid. Every street lined with tall vibrant colored building with architecture that was breath deifying. With no destination in mind I found myself in the most enchanting place in Madrid the Plaza De Mayor. The Plaza looked like it was out of medieval movie where everything was perfect. Everyone had a smile, the weather without a cloud, and the band was incredible. You felt like you were at a medieval ball where all the uncertainties of the world were put on hold. There was the prettiest little girl with a big blue ribbon purposefully tied in here hair, and this petite royal blue dress on, that when her father swung her around in circles her dress seemed to puff out like a parachute. The thing that was most captivating about the two of them was their smiles that stretched from ear to ear and if their smiles did not have limits they seemed they could have gone on forever. People came to the plaza to relax and forget about all the irritation and frustration of life. It was a place to be content and that is why you saw everyone wearing that same spirited and joyful smile that the little girl and her father were wearing on their faces. Spirit and joy made the plaza light up in the most beautiful of colors. The most beautiful colors were painted on the north building of the plaza. A mural painted depicted the emotion and free loving spirits of the plaza. Brilliant colors ranged from a red that resembled blistering hot lava, to a purple which looked to be soft to touch, to a green from the fields of the countryside. More colors overflowed over the backdrop of the mural in a non-intentional pattern, which gave the mural a whimsical feel. The most engaging part of the mural was the unclothed people with animal bodies which gave the viewer a fairytale feeling as if he was in Disneys Fantasia. This allusion of the mural constantly preserved the spir...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Definition of Asymptotic Variance in Statistical Analysis

Definition of Asymptotic Variance in Statistical Analysis The definition of the asymptotic variance of an estimator may vary from author to author or situation to situation. One standard definition is given in Greene, p 109, equation (4-39) and is described as sufficient for nearly all applications. The definition for asymptotic variance given is: asy var(t_hat) (1/n) * limn-infinity E[ {t_hat - limn-infinity E[t_hat] }2 ] Introduction to Asymptotic Analysis Asymptotic analysis is a method of describing limiting behavior and has applications across the sciences from applied mathematics to statistical mechanics to computer science.  The term  asymptotic  itself refers to approaching a value or curve arbitrarily closely as some limit is  taken.  In applied mathematics and econometrics,  asymptotic  analysis is employed in the building of numerical mechanisms that will approximate equation solutions. It is a crucial tool in the exploration of the ordinary and partial differential equations that emerge when researchers attempt to model real-world phenomena through applied mathematics. Properties of Estimators In statistics, an estimator is a rule for calculating an estimate of a value or quantity (also known as the estimand) based upon observed data. When studying the properties of estimators that have been obtained, statisticians make a distinction between two particular categories of properties: The small or finite sample properties, which are considered valid no matter the sample sizeAsymptotic properties, which are associated with infinitely larger samples when n  tends to ∞ (infinity). When dealing with finite sample properties, the aim is to study the behavior of the estimator assuming that there are many samples and as a result, many estimators. Under these circumstances, the average of the estimators should provide the necessary information. But when in practice when there is only one sample, asymptotic properties must be established. The aim is then to study the behavior of estimators as n, or the sample population size,  increases. The asymptotic properties an estimator may possess include asymptotic unbiasedness, consistency, and asymptotic efficiency. Asymptotic Efficiency and Asymptotic Variance Many statisticians consider the minimum requirement for determining a useful estimator is for the estimator to be consistent, but given that there are generally several consistent estimators of a parameter, one must give consideration to other properties as well. Asymptotic efficiency is another property worth consideration in the evaluation of estimators. The property of asymptotic efficiency targets the asymptotic variance of the estimators. Though there are many definitions, asymptotic variance can be defined as the variance, or how far the set of numbers is spread out, of the limit distribution of the estimator. More Learning Resources Related to Asymptotic Variance To learn more about asymptotic variance, be sure to check the following articles about terms related to asymptotic variance: AsymptoticAsymptotic NormalityAsymptotically EquivalentAsymptotically Unbiased